In celebration of the 4th SHS Days, the Abuyog Community College -Senior High School department successfully staged the first school-based Buyogan Festival King and Queen coronation on February 24 at ACC evacuation gym.

With theme “Exploring the Diversity and Uniqueness of Abuyog Culture”, the two-day momentous event aims to promote Abuyog’s culture and traditions and inspire its students to take actions for preservation of it through participation of various literary, musical, academic and Filipino indigenous games.

This year’s celebration ignited the ACCian’s spirit as the four pair of candidates representing their tribes evinced and showcased their fruit of their weeks practice and preparation. The set of candidates were Dexter Calicdan and Aliyah Fatima Serat of Tribu Lapinig, Lord Vencio Sartillo and Nicole Kaye Lao of Tribu Buliganay, Carl Hernandez and Phoebe Lenie Ruiz of Tribu Ligwan, Lance Aquino and Shaila Matchino of Tribu Hamo-moong.

The Supreme Student Government officers under the supervision of Mr. Nino Vic Beloy, adviser made sure that the event will be smooth and meaningful. Limited tickets were sold in an earlier date to secure seats inside the venue.

Audience was left in awe and amazement as the candidates graced the steps of the gymnasium during the different segments of the pageant such as Production number, Festival Dance Competition their (solo and group performances) and the nerve-wracking Question and Answer portion.

Despite of the power interruption and other minor technical delays experienced during the on-boarding of the event, candidates, organizers and faction members manage to endure it.

After a series of deliberation based on the candidate’s beauty, performance and eloquence, the first-ever Buyogan Festival King and Queen was Tribu Hamo-moong bets Shaila Matchino and Lance Aquino. In addition, Matchino and Aquino both bagged the Best in Production Number and Best in Solo Performance award.

Here is the complete list of winners of the special and minor awards.

Mister and Miss Photogenic- Lord Vencio Sartillo and Nicole Kaye Lao (Tribu Buliganay)

People’s Choice Award- Lord Vencio Sartillo and Nicole Kaye Lao (Tribu Buliganay)

Mister and Miss Friendship- Dexter Calicdan and Aliyah Fatima Serat  (Tribu Lapinig)

Best in Group Production- Lance Aquino (Tribu Hamo-moong) and Phoebe Lenie Ruiz (Tribu Ligwan)

Best in Festival Attire- Lance Aquino (Tribu Hamo-moong) and Nicole Kaye Lao (Tribu Buliganay)

Mister and Miss Eloquence- Lance Aquino (Tribu Hamo-moong) and Phoebe Lenie Ruiz (Tribu Ligwan)

In a post-pageant interview, Aquino and Matchino were stiil speechless as to the results of the event. They also shared their thoughts about the importance of holding the said pageant in the promotion and preservation of Abuyog’s local culture and traditions.

” This is a living a testimony of how Abuyognons preserve its cultures.” Lance Aquino stated.

“This is a good platform in promoting the rich culture of Abuyog and we need to be proud of it.” Matchino enunciated.

In his social media, SSG adviser Mr. Nino Vic Beloy shared some unforeseen circumstances during the event and had expressed his gratitude to all the individuals who made an effort to make the event successful. “From brown out to Steve Harvey moment, indeed it was still a great show. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this activity a successful one” penned in Beloy’s post.

The successful staging of the pageant in the campus is a symbol of hope and recovery for the education sector that was adversely affected by the pandemic.