Research & Development


To facilitate the development of research culture of Abuyog Community college (ACC), the institution sets the research Agenda that is attuned to ACCs vision of developing people imbued with technical and manual skills for the mastery of their trades and crafts with the following directions:

  1. To conduct researches that serves as basis for the development of knowledge of the members of the community in the areas of education, arts, sciences, criminology, business, and information technology.
  2. To conduct research in support of instruction and academic performance of the students. Research categories are as follows:
    • a. Academic Program Evaluation
    • b. Academic Performance of the students
    • c. Outcomes-Based Education
  3. To conduct research integrating instruction and community development. Research categories are as follows:

a. Resiliency through Disaster Preparedness

b. Impact of Climate Change

c. Peace and Order

d. Social Entrpreneurship

e. Development and Evaluation of Community Based Computing System



A. Research Proposal

All research proposals of faculty and students seeking funding from local research funds (ACC) or from external sources (external funding institutions) that require institutional pre-evaluation as a ‘clearing house’ shall adopt the following flow:

  1. Proponent shall prepare the proposal and submits the same to R & D Coordinator (RDC) for evaluation.
  2. RDC shall evaluate and endorse proposal to the R & D CORE GROUP, otherwise , return the proposal to the proponent together with the comments/ suggestions/ recommendations.
  3. R & D CORE GROUP shall endorse the proposal to the appropriate specialist -members of the College Research Committee (CRC).
  4. The CRC shall conduct en banc evaluation of the proposals.
  5. If the proposal has merit but needs improvement, the CRC shall endorse the proposal back to the R & D CORE GROUP with comments/suggestions. If the proposal has no promise, the R & D CORE GROUP returns the proposal to the RDEC with its recommendation for disapproval.
  6. The RDEC shall, in turn, return the proposal to the proponent with the comments/suggestions for improvement from the CRC for proposals with merit, and disapproval for those without any promise.
  7. After all the comments/suggestions of the CRC have been addressed, the proponent shall submit the proposal back to the RDEC.
  8. The RDEC shall endorse proposal to the College President for approval and return proposal to the proponent once approved through to the college deans for implementation if funfing is available locally. If the proposal meets the eligibility requirement of any external source, the proposal shall be funded initially by local funds endorsed for external fund sources.
  9. For research proposals submitted for funding to external funding institutions, specific policies of the funding institution shall be adopted. Nonetheless, copies of the proposal/s and the corresponding budget and Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding / Cooperation or Contract of Service shall be submitted to the CRC and ORDEC for recording purposes.

B. Progress, Annual, and Terminal Report Evaluation

All researches funded by ACC R&D Funds and by external funding sources shall submit progress, annual and terminal reports following this route:

  1. Researcher/s shall prepare the progress, annual and terminal reports and submit the same to Research Director through the CRCom.
  2. Progress and annual reports shall include the target and actual activities for the period under review, financial status and the problems and constraints met.
  3. Progress reports shall be submitted every semester to the CRCom for pre-evaluation not later than 2 weeks after the end of each semester , the annual reports shall be submitted 2 weeks after the end of the year , and the terminal report shall be submitted a month after the completion of the project .
  4. The CRCom shall conduct a pre – evaluation of the reports and endorse the same to the Research Director if the reports meet the College standard of quality , otherwise , return the reports to the researcher / s for revision
  5. The Research Director shall endorse the reports to specialist – members of the RDCG for evaluation .
  6. The specialist – members of the RDCG shall evaluate the progress , annual and terminal reports . Reports shall be returned to the RDEC with comments / suggestions .
  7. The Research Director shall endorse the reports to the President for approval if these meet the College standard of quality , otherwise , return the reports to the CRCom which in turn , return the reports to the researcher / s if reports need revision , emphasizing the comments / suggestions / recommendations from the RDCG .
  8. The Semestral and Year – End progress reports of on – going locally – funded researches shall follow the format in Appendix 1 .
  9. Terminal reports of locally – funded research(es) shall follow the format in Appendix 2 and the cover page as shown in Appendix 3 .
  10. For externally – funded researches , the progress reports and terminal report shall adhere to the format set by the funding agency (ies) .
  11. The researcher / s shall publish findings in refereed journals and / or disseminate the findings of research to target clients in coordination with the R & D Publication Unit or Extension Office of the College .
  12. For externally – funded researches governed by specific policies of the funding institution , submission of report / s shall adhere to the policy of the funding institution . Nonetheless , copies of reports shall be submitted to the CRC and RDEC for record purposes .


  1. The R & D program / project shall be within the priority areas as listed in the ACC R & D Agenda and R & D Implementation Plan .
  2. The R & D program / project shall exhibit technical feasibility .
  3. The proponent / s shall manifest capability to carry out the program / project .
  4. The program / project shall exhibit the urgency and importance of the information / technology that shall be disseminated to the target area .
  5. The program / project shall show practicability of timetable and budget .


Annual ACC wide in – house review shall be conducted every last week of May . The purpose of the College – wide research review shall be to present accomplishments and findings of on – going and completed researches from every college . This forum shall also be the venue to determine possible complementation and integration of research findings of related studies .
The mechanics of the conduct of in – house research review shall be as follows :

  1. The RDEC shall announce the schedule of the annual in – house review a month before the schedule to all colleges of ACC through the CRCom . Forms and other requirements shall be disseminated together with the announcement .
  2. The CRCom in each college shall determine the entries to the in – house review and notify the researcher / s concerning the inclusion of their research / es in the review .
  3. The researcher / s shall prepare the papers in accordance to the forms provided for compilation in the office of the Research Director . The papers shall be submitted a week before the schedule of the in – house review .
  4. The Research Director shall categorize the entries and prepare the In – House Review program .
  5. The program shall be disseminated at least 3 days before the in – house review schedule .
  6. The presentation of the researches shall adopt the standard procedures of paper presentation in scientific gatherings .
  7. Resource persons with expertise in the areas / disciplines to be reviewed shall be invited for technical evaluation and critiquing .
  8. Winning research / es and researcher / s during the review shall be properly recognized through giving of certificates / awards .


The ACC Quality assurance and Monitoring Team shall conduct the periodic Monitoring and Evaluation ( M & E ) of ongoing projects . The criteria and Terms of Reference ( TOR ) for the evaluation shall be based on the standards as adopted for quality assurance . Among the major functions of the team shall be as follows :

  1. The team shall conduct monitoring and evaluation of the project’s activity implementation , fund utilization as well as resource generation ( if applicable ) .
  2. The team shall review semestral and annual reports ( if applicable ) which have been evaluated by the RDCG and the Research Director
  3. The team shall focus on the project’s targets and accomplishments , including the financial equivalents of the target activities and the accomplishments .
  4. Project visits shall also be done every quarter to actually see how the project
    runs .
  5. The team shall conduct M & E on the basis of the M & E parameters anchored on the project objectives , activities and the targets submitted at the start of each calendar year . This is to ensure that the goals of the project are met .

Compliance with the RDE M & E Requirements :

  1. The Project Leader and the project team members shall be recommended to continue leading the project implementation .
  2. The Project Leader and the project team members shall be recommended to continue receiving honorarium ( if applicable ) .
  3. The project leader shall be endorsed to head another newly approved and funded project.
  4. The Project Leader and the project team members shall be awarded with favorable evaluation on R & D under the College Performance Evaluation System ( PES ) .