About OSA

The Office of the Student affairs and services provides the school services and programs that are concerned with non-academic experience of students to attain total student development. Non-academic services are two pronged: those that relate to student welfare and those that relate to student development. It also serves as link between the administration and the student body as well as provides guidance on matters concerning student life, activities and discipline.


  1. Promote the general welfare of the students.
  2. Provide avenues to develop the potential and capacity of the students for future responsibility and leadership.
  3. Trains students to become effective and productive components of the school and community; and
  4. Ensure the fullest moral, physical, intellectual and social development of students by creating opportunities and activities for their participation.

Service Offered:

  1. Admission services
    • Conduct information drive for recruitment of students
    • Administer entrance examination for incoming freshman
    • Screen incoming students based on admission requirements and policies.
  2. Student Welfare and Development Services are basic service and programs needed to ensure and promote student well-being.
  3. Student Development Programs and Services refer to the service and programs designed for the exploration, enhancement development of the student’s full potential for personal development leadership and social responsibility through various institutional or student-initiated activities.

Supreme Student Council

The supreme student council is the highest student government entity of the college. An independent, democratic, assertive and pro-student political organization that strives to embody the student’s ideals and aspirations, promote and protect student’s right and welfare, advance their educational, social, cultural and political well-being through collective efforts in the spirit of unity, justice and equality.

Specific Objectives

  1. Promote the general welfare the whole studentry by undertaking lawful measures for the protection and preservation of students’ rights and privileges.
  2. Develop responsible student leaders and students who will put educational opportunities to optimal use and look after the unity and welfare of the whole studentry.
  3. Develop a sense of service and responsibility among students for them own welfare, the school and the community.
  4. Uphold the ideals of the school and provide activities that are geared towards ensuring a well-rounded intellectual, social, cultural and physical development of students.
  5. Promote discipline among students.

Officers of the SSC are the following:

The President, the Vice-President Internal and Vice President External, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Business Manager, Sgt at Arms and the Representatives.

Election of Officers is through the direct vote of the students. Moreover, the said student government is likewise given assistance support by faculty members who are acting as SSC Advisers a whole functions are only advisory in character. These advisers are chosen the SSC officers at the start of the term of the new set of officers.