ACC honors great success of its newly- produced LPT’s and Criminologists

By John Paul Adtoon

Beavering its commitment to be the school of choice in South Central Leyte, it is with great pride that Abuyog Community College honored the success of the 2023 Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) and Criminologists Licensure Examination (CLE) passers through its testimonial dinner held at Abuyog Mini Gym on June 30, 2023.

A total of 77 LET and 30 CLE passers were given recognition during the testimonial dinner.

The celebration kicked-off with the torch parade participated by the Pre-Service Teachers and Criminologists of the institution.

In attendance during the event were CHED Region VIII Director Dr. Maximo C. Aljibe, who at the same time delivered a stirring congratulatory message. Present also were Executive Chair Hon. Lemuel Gin Traya, ACC, College President, Dr. Clemelle L. Montallana, Member of the Board of Trustees, Guests, Faculty and staffs, and honorees of the night.

In her welcome message, Dr. Edita D. Vale Vice-president for Academics, extended her warm congratulations to the passers after successfully reaping the fruit of their dedication and hard work.

Meanwhile, Ms. Shiela V. Posas, VP for Administration and Finance, acknowledged the presence of the invited guests, honorees and attendees of the event.

As the event continues, CHED RO 8 Director Dr. Maximo C. Aljibe highlighted on his inspirational message the responsibility and the opportunity of being part of the circle of professionals . He also mentioned that ACC holds a special portion in his heart, that despite of his busy schedule he managed to be present in the event.

Meanwhile, the ceremonial toast was led by College President, Dr. Clemelle L. Montallana and was then followed by the awarding of certificates to the honorees.

Adding spectacle to the event were the testimonial speeches of the new LPT’s and Criminologists which draws inspiration and wowed the audience as they narrated their journey towards reaching success.

In his closing message, Dean of College of Criminal Justice Education, Dr. Eduardo Raquel Sr. extended his congratulatory message to all attendees and reminded them to take pride and share their worthwhile accomplishments to the alma mater.