Abuyog Community College National Service Training Program Unit hold its NSTP-CWTS graduation on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at ACC evacuation gym to honor the students completion of the course goals and objectives for the academic year 2022-2023.

A total of 819 students from the three college departments (CITE, CASE, COHME) were officially conferred as NSTP graduates by the college president, Dr. Clemelle L. Montallana.

In his speech, Mr. Olin Jell Atregenio, NSTP-CWTS instructor, expressed his hope that the knowledge and wisdom imparted by the program would empower and ready the graduates to confront the increasing threats and challenges of the nation.

“May you become essential blocks in the very broad nation-building, for you are considered the future of our land and the agents of change.”, Atregenio said.

Meanwhile, certificates and leadership awards were presented by Mr. Alwin John Matanda, ACC NSTP coordinator and formally distributing the awards were Dr. Clemelle L Montallana accompanied by Mr. Olin Jell Atregenio and Sgt. Marlon Cainong PAFR, NSTP-ROTC Coordinator.

To conclude the program, Mr. Matanda gave his words of encouragement to the graduates. “Carry with you the lessons that you have learned during the NSTP journey. All those seminars, clean-up drives, gardenings, and tree-plantings should help you in your quest for greater knowledge. Continue to be agents of positive change, advocating for causes that touch your hearts and lifting those who are in need. Always keep in mind the spirit of NSTP: a spirit of selflessness, kindness, and responsibility,” he expressed.

Congratulations to all NSTP-CWTS Graduates Batch 2022-2023!