SSC, THC kick off Nat’l Teachers’ Month with appreciation and gratitude

By Jonalyn Eman

Kicking off the National Teachers’ Month (NTM) celebration, Abuyog Community College- Supreme Student Council (SSC) prepared an “Appreciation Wall” aimed at honoring the sacrifice of our dear teachers as well as showing love and care to them.

The said initiative was made possible with the collaboration of SSC officers and The Honeycomb editorial board. The ‘appreciation wall” was installed outside the Business Incubation Facility (BIF).

In their socmed post, ACC-SSC highly encouraged students to personally write their words of gratitude and appreciation. “Tara pagpasalamat kita!”, penned in their post.

Stipulated in Proclamation No.242, s. 2011, the month-long celebration is anchored on the theme; #Together4Teachers where the digit ‘4’ represents the ‘4As’ of the Gratitude Framework: Appreciation, Admiration, Approval and Attention.

We, at The Honeycomb joins in the celebration of the National Teachers Month and express our sincere gratitude to our education heroes. Thank you for your relentless dedication, guidance, knowledge and love.