In an earnest endeavor to extend a helping hand and leave a lasting positive impact on the lives of local residents, the Abuyog Community College Community and Extension Services Office (ACC-CESO) orchestrated the “Generation of Grace” a compassion program for the residents of Barangay New Pilar and New Bahay Abuyog, Leyte, on Thursday, October 12.

Leading this initiative was ACC-CESO coordinator, Mrs. Irene Belleza, along with selected faculty members Mr. Regie A. Redoña and Ms. Ella Krista Traya, together with the officers of the League of Teacher Education Students (LOTES) and the Elementary Education Student Association (EESA).

In an interview with ACC-CESO coordinator, Mrs. Irene Belleza shared her perspective on the socio-civic responsibility of her office in cultivating community relationships. “The Extension Committee initiated this program because Brgy. New Pilar was the victim of a landslide. We organized this program to help them overcome their traumatic experiences. Some residents haven’t fully recovered from the landslide, some have had to live with relatives, and there are children here who have lost their parents. The incident was extremely difficult for them, and the pain they feel is unforgettable,” Mrs. Belleza explained.

The program commenced with Mr. Regie A. Redoña delivering the opening prayer. Following this, was Mrs. Irene Malquisto, the Anti-VAWC Head of New Pilar, extended a warm welcome to the attendees and visitors.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Irene Belleza underscored the seminar’s significance and introduced the resource speaker. Subsequently, Ms. Ella Krista Traya, resource speaker shed light on her seminar on Violence Against Women and Children, aimed at raising awareness regarding legal and moral responsibilities.

During an interview, Mrs. Irene Malquisto and Maria Cecilia Maling, both seminar attendees, shared their insights and experiences from the discussion. “Nalipay kami kay nagka may-ada sugad cni na program, kay ang iba na parents atleast nasabtan nila ang violence against women and children. Thankful kami nga tanan matungod ani na bag.o na learning namo sab,” Mrs. Malquisto said. [ “We are delighted because of the existence of such a program, as some parents have now gained a better understanding of violence against women and children. We are thankful that all of us have acquired new knowledge,” Mrs. Malquisto said.]

“May nasabtan man kami about VAWC, kay example sa pananakit sa asawa part gihapon ngean na siya sa VAWC gihapon. Ang ako experience cni is maayu ngan atleast may ko sab, pasalamat ko maayu ani,” Mrs. Maling added. [ “We have also gained a better understanding of VAWC. For instance, abuse towards a spouse is still considered part of VAWC. My personal experience with this has been positive, and at least I have learned something. I am very grateful for this,” Mrs. Maling added.]

Furthermore, a raffle prizes were given away to the participants of the VAWC seminar. Simultaneously, officers from LOTES and EESA conducted interactive games for the children and distributed educational materials with the aim of bringing joy and providing support for their studies.

Moreover, Mrs. Lorenza D. Duquita, the school head of Pilar Elementary School expressed her thoughts regarding the activities organized by ACC-CESO. “Pilar and Bahay are thankful that Abuyog Community College offers this kind of program, which is a significant help, especially in the spiritual and relationship aspects. This is one way of reaching out to the community, which really needs help, such as Pilar Elementary School and Bahay Elementary School, who were victims of Typhoon Agaton,” Mrs. Duquita stated.

She also emphasized the favorable outcomes of the outreach program for the students of Pilar and Bahay Elementary Schools, respectively. “There is a positive result of this activity for the children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, as they truly need this support, such as school supplies, food, and snacks, given that many of these children cannot afford snacks due to financial constraints,” Mrs. Duquita added.

Meanwhile, as the Community and Extension Services Office looked towards the future, its team remain committed to sustaining and expanding their initiatives, all while continually fostering relationships within the community. “Yesterday, we sponsored a thanksgiving mass and a baptism for children aged 12 and below to honor the souls of the landslide victims. As the head of the extension program in this school, and in alignment with the vision of our college president, we plan to continue and expand these efforts in the years ahead,” Mrs. Belleza reiterated.

The Compassion Program, named “Generation of Grace,” provided free baptisms, games for children, and a seminar on Anti-VAWC (Anti- Violence Against Women and their Children), has exemplified how hope, unity, and a commitment to improving lives can instigate meaningful change.

The success of the Community Extension Services Outreach Program in Brgy. New Pilar and New Bahay Abuyog, Leyte, served as a poignant reminder that when individuals and communities unite, they can create a positive impact on the lives of those in need.