By Jennifer Nuevas 

ACC maintains commitment to disaster resilient community in 4th Quarter NSED

By Jennifer Nuevas 

Abuyog Community College (ACC) maintained its commitment to having a disaster resilient community as they enjoined the 4th Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drilll (NSED) led by the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (SDRRMO) and in collaboration with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO), Thursday morning, November 9, 2023.

The drill began at 9:30 am with the signal of the fire alarm, which alerted everyone to evacuate their respective rooms and offices. They followed the “duck, cover, and hold” technique to protect themselves from falling objects and debris. They then proceeded to the designated assembly area at the ACC Annex open Grounds, where they were counted and checked by the faculty and SDRRMO.

The SDRRMO also conducted a rescue simulation, where where students and staff engaged in mock scenarios to identify and assist “victims.” This exercise not only tested response times but also emphasized the importance of teamwork and first aid skills.

The drill was a success, as it exhibited the unity and cooperation of the ACC community in ensuring their safety and readiness in case of emergencies. 

As natural disasters can happen any time, therefore, the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill also aims to ensure efficient and effective emergency response and disaster preparedness with active participation of the community and public safety among the residents of the country.

Furthermore, the aforementioned national event assesses the quality, accuracy, speed, and capacities of the College’s Emergency Response System and Services prior to, during, and after the occurrence of such severe earthquake.