We are pleased to share with you the highlights of the highly informative and insightful webinar on “Gender Sensitivity, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression” that took place earlier today, December 9, 2023. This engaging session was specifically organized for the BSHM-2 students enrolled in the Gender and Society subject via Google Meet.

The webinar, which lasted from 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN, was a collaborative effort led by the Abuyog Community College Gender and Development Office. It aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of gender-related issues and foster a more inclusive and respectful environment within our academic community.

Dr. Junielito Espanto, Coordinator of GAD, extensively discussed the importance of gender sensitivity. His knowledge in this area enhanced the understanding of the intricacies surrounding gender dynamics and shed light on the measures we can take to promote a more equitable society. Dr. Espanto’s passion for gender advocacy and his ability to effectively communicate complex concepts left a lasting impact on all the attendees.

Furthermore, we were grateful to have Mr. Mark Joevel Buante as another esteemed resource speaker, who enlightened us on the crucial aspects of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. His insightful session provided valuable insights into the diverse range of identities that exist within our society and emphasized the significance of accepting and respecting individuals’ self-identified genders and sexual orientations. Mr. Buante’s expertise and approachable demeanor made the topic accessible to all, ensuring that every participant felt heard and valued.

We witnessed an enthusiastic participation of the BSHM-2 students, who actively engaged in the discussions and posed thought-provoking questions to the speakers. The interactive nature of the session allowed for a deeper exploration of the topics and facilitated an environment of learning and growth. Through this webinar, the students gained a heightened awareness of the challenges faced by various marginalized communities and gained practical knowledge on how to promote inclusivity, respect, and equality in their personal and professional lives.

In conclusion, today’s webinar on “Gender Sensitivity, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression” was a resounding success. The contributions of Dr. Junielito Espanto and Mr. Mark Joevel Buante as resource speakers, alongside the active participation of the BSHM-2 students, made it an enriching and enlightening experience for all involved. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who made this event possible, and we look forward to future endeavors that continue to promote understanding and acceptance in the realm of gender and society.