ACC-CESO Spreads Joy Through Christmas Caroling Gift Drive

by Jonalyn Eman

In a heartwarming initiative, the Abuyog Community College through its Community and Extension Services Office (ACC-CESO) came together to spread holiday cheer and support those in need through a unique Christmas caroling: A gift-giving drive on Thursday, December 28, 2023.

As early as 9:00 am, the ACC-CESO team was composed of selected faculty and students led by the coordinator Mrs. Irene Belleza adorned in festive attire visited less fortunate families from the selected barangay within Abuyog town proper, sharing the gift of music and ‘bundle of joy’ to brighten the season.

Mrs. Belleza emphasized that the gift-giving drive aims to bring the sense of warmth and happiness to individuals and families who may be facing challenges and hardships.

“We believed that through this initiative, we can make a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate Abuyognons.” Belleza noted.

The spirited carolers, armed with melodious voices and seasonal tunes, wandered through the narrow corners and houses of the beneficiaries, creating a harmonious atmosphere that resonated with the spirit of giving.

As they sang classic carols, they also distributed ‘bundle of joy’ gifts bags. The carolers not only brought joy through their musical performances but also fostered a sense of unity and compassion.

Special thanks to the College President, Dr Clemelle L Montallana, benevolent individuals, local organizations and businesses who provided additional support and amplified the impact of the gift-giving drive.

The collaborative effort demonstrated the power of community solidarity, showcasing how a simple act of spreading holiday joy through caroling could transform into a meaningful gift-giving drive for those in need.

Overall, the success of this Christmas caroling gift-giving drive serves as a shining example of how the school community can come together to make a positive difference in the lives of others, especially during the holiday season.