Fostering Inclusivity and Innovative Professional Community: ACC holds Gender Sensitivity Seminar-cum-Capacity Building Activity by Jonalyn Eman

Hinunangan Southern, Leyte, February 7-8, 2024 – In a bid to foster inclusivity and innovative professional community, Abuyog Community College (ACC) recently organized a comprehensive Gender Sensitivity Seminar coupled with a Team Capacity Building Activity for its faculty and staff.

Present during the event were Abuyog Municipal Mayor and ACC Executive Chairman, Hon. Lemuel Gin K. Traya, SB Member, Hon. Fransisco B. Landia, Municipal Administrator and BOT Member, Mrs. Luz Concha K. Daganzo, Municipal Treasurer, Mrs. Elena Magsoling together with Social Welfare Officer I, Mr. Adam Paul B. Pabia and Mayor’s Office Administrative staff, Ms. Nissan Go who also served as event coordinators and facilitators.

In his welcome message, College President, Clemelle L.Montallana DM, CESE, highlighted the good traits of  Abuyog Community College, “It has a rich and proud history that dates back to 1979. It promotes mental health awareness and wellbeing among its students and personnel. It has a strong sense of community and celebrates its traditions, spirit and legacy of commitment and service. It has a diverse and talented team of educators, administrators and support staff who work hard to fulfill the college’s mission and vision. And that our community is known not from the word of mouth of people from Hinunangan and from anywhere else, it the international community. In effect I am telling you that in the presence of the Board, we are not just a simple community college, but we are world class.”

Dr. Montallana further underlined that the occasion was a celebration of the fruits of everyone’s labors—the faculty, staff, administrators, and members of the academic and administrative councils—in achieving the school’s 100% COPC.

 “Let us recognize that we are a family, we are connected, and we are united. I think that sums up all the purpose that we need to hear but most importantly, we are here because we are part of Abuyog Community College.” Montallana ended his speech.

On the first day, a Gender Sensitivity Seminar gave staff members and faculty a forum to discuss gender-related concerns, prejudices, and stereotypes. Topics covered at the conference included the value of diversity and tactics for advancing gender parity within the organization.

Mr. Chammy R. Comillas, Tourist Receptionist II/GAD Focal Person of Abuyog Leyte facilitated the sessions, bringing valuable insights and perspectives to the participants. He shared his knowledge and expertise on importance and legal mandates of gender sensitivity.

“I believe that fostering gender sensitivity and responsiveness could not be done overnight, but it an ongoing commitment. We are here to commit, that even we have these diverse cultural backgrounds we can continue to give love to each other and attain peace, unity, and self-belongingness.” Comillas said.

Mr. Comillas delved into the importance of fostering an environment where individuals of all genders feel respected and valued.  He also emphasized the need for open dialogue and understanding to break down stereotypes and biases that may exist within the workplace.

  “It is a commitment to fostering an atmosphere where every individual, regardless of gender, feels empowered to pursue their educational and career goals.” Comillas added.

Following the seminar, the teachers and staff of ACC were split up into five teams, which took part in the Team Capacity Building Activity. The teams were named Team White, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Red.

The interactive team building games were the team chants, group yourselves according to, and the Amazing Race ACCian edition. It was organized to enhance communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills among team members. Faculty and staff had the opportunity to strengthen their bonds and develop a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and working styles.

The participants expressed their appreciation for the initiative, highlighting the relevance of the topics covered and the positive impact on workplace dynamics. Their feedback emphasized the importance of ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, not only within the organization but also in the broader community.

The second day shifted the focus towards processing of the various team building activities through reflections and impressions providing practical tools and strategies to enhance collaboration, communication, and productivity within teams. Attendees explored effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and ways to leverage diverse strengths within a team.

Hon. Mayor Lemuel Gin K. Traya, Abuyog Municipal Mayor and ACC Executive Chairman delivered an inspiring closing address, emphasizing the importance of creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and heard.

“Be nice to each other, be kind to each other, be respectful to each other. Do it to each other and talk to each other personally. Thank you very much for your cooperation and as always, I am supporting ACC in whatever way I can do. God bless and more power ACC family.” Hon. Traya remarked.

In conclusion, ACC’s Gender Sensitivity Seminar and Team Capacity Building Activity reflects ACC’s dedication to fostering a workplace that thrives on diversity, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive, innovative and harmonious professional community.

Abuyog Community College’s commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace was evident throughout the events. The organization plans to continue organizing such seminars and workshops regularly to ensure that the academic trailblazers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a diverse and dynamic work environment.