Student Conduct and Discipline

Student Discipline

Must Be Behavior of Students:
  1. Wear the prescribed school uniform with the identification card/nameplates upon entering the campus and while inside the college premises.
    1.1 All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform from Monday to Friday except Wednesday.
    1.2 Special uniforms may be worn by students who are undergoing job trainings and vocational laboratories and those taking Physical education or NSTP for designated time and days only.
    1.3. Only pregnant women are exempted from wearing the school uniform. She must present a medical certificate from her attending physician.
    1.4. The following are considered inappropriate:
    a. For Men: Sleeveless shirts, tattered pants, rubber slippers, sport sandals and shorts, earrings, make up, long or dyed color hair.
    b. For Women: Blouses-shirts with plunging neckline, spaghetti strap, haltered shirts/blouses/dresses, mini-skirts, short pants, and rubber slippers.
  1. Attend classes regularly and punctually. Tardiness of more than 15 minutes without justifiable reason constitutes an absence from the class.
  2. Observe proper decorum (modesty and propriety) especially while inside the campus.
  3. Attend social functions in attires appropriate for the occasions.
  4. Keep abreast on school updates posted in the bulletin board of the college.
  5. Observe library and laboratory rules and regulations while using the same.
  6. Leave the room quietly and in an orderly manner when dismissed or given permission by the instructor to go out.
  7. Protect status as student and the good name or reputation of the college.

Student Conduct

The rules and regulations regarding student conduct are not imposed to curtail their rights but to instill in them the true sense of responsibility, respect for authority, self-direction and to help bring about an
atmosphere conducive to effective instruction and learning. The following acts and behavior constitute violation and breach of the rules and regulations of discipline regarding behavior and right conduct:

  1. Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information to the college or staff.
  2. Forging, altering or misuse of the college documents and records.
  3. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedure, or other campus activities, including its public service functions or other activities on campus.
  4. Physical abuse of any person at any college functions or conduct which threatens or endangers the health and safety of any such person.
  5. Theft of school property or that of a campus visitor.
  6. Unauthorized entry into or use of college facilities.
  7. Use, or possession, or distribution of narcotics or dangerous drugs such as shabu, marijuana, cocaine etc.
  8. Smoking within the school premises.
  9. Gambling in the premises
  10. Drunkenness
  11. Grave act of disrespect to instructor and school officials
  12. Instigating/ agitating/ participating in concerted unlawful activities.
  13. Damage to school property such as tearing of book parts, defacement of facilities, furniture, posters and walls.
  14. Use, possession, distribution of immoral, questionable or subversive publication, unauthorized leaflets, brochure, letters, etc.
  15. Behavior or acts that cause dishonor and discredits to the college and her educational role.
  16. Unauthorized carrying of firearms deadly and bladed weapon inside the campus.
  17. Disorderly, lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or language within the college premises or any supervised college function.
  18. Failure to comply with directives issued by the college official in the course of the performance of their duties.


The following sanctions may be imposed as the gravity of cumulative offenses may warrant:

  • First Offense: Verbal warning or Oral reprimand
  • Second Offense: Written reprimand with parent-child conference
  • Third Offense: Written reprimand which becomes part of the student’s official file
  • Fourth Offense: Suspensions
  • Fifth Offense: Expulsion


A. Composition
The Abuyog Community College Student Discipline Committee comprises:

  • Prefect of Student as Chairman.
  • The President of the Student Supreme Council (SSC) or his duly representative.
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Department Head of the students involved in the disciplinary cases
  • OSA Coordinator
  • The School President may, in appropriate cases, designate an alternate Chairperson member whenever any of the person originally appointed to the position is unable to perform his duties, as herein provided due to personal interest, relationship or prolonged absence. Provide further, that the alternate so designate shall serve in capacity for the duration of the formal investigation of the particular case in which his appointment is made.

B. Jurisdiction
The Student Disciplinary Committee has jurisdiction over all involving student discipline and the imposition of sanctions.

C. Student School Discipline Protocol
The school seeks to uphold the schools and student interests by implementing the established regulations related to appropriate behavior. Procedure related to student discipline are meant to ensure
rationality and order. Hence, the emphasis on all the programs and interventions on appropriate behavior and is intended to prevent, if not, deter any misbehavior of students, to ensure upright living.

In all cases of offenses, misconduct, or violations cited in the Student Manuel, involving a Student, the following shall govern:

  • Formal complaints against student shall be filed before the Prefect of Discipline; complaints may come from faculty members, non-teaching employee, student and other persons concerned with the college (on a case to case basis as the OSA Coordinator may deem appropriate);
  • Summons to both complainants and respondents shall be given.
  • The Prefect Discipline will then conducts preliminary investigation on minor and major violations of students conduct and discipline and shall evidence including documents and materials as he may deem relevant.
  • The Prefect shall assess the gravity and complexity of the case and proceed to handle the same. Moreover, the prefect shall have authority to dismiss any complaint in his opinion is devoid of merit. Provided further, that when the students is found guilty of the offense, he may impose the penalties as provided for in this handbook and submits the same to the College President for notation upon receipt of the investigation results from the Prefect of Discipline.

If the decision is accepted by the student, the case is put to rest.

If it is not acceptable, the decision is appealed to the Student Discipline Committee.

  • The Student Discipline Committee will then convene and conduct Formal Investigation of the matter at hand and deliberate the same. Decision shall then be render for final disposition of the case.


Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
Section 1. The anti-sexual harassment policy of the College will be based on the provisions of Republic Act 7877, otherwise known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law.

Anti- Violence Against Women And Children Act
Section 1. The anti-violence against women and children policy of the College will be based on the provisions of Republic Act 9262, otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act.

Magna Carta For Disabled Persons And For Other Purposes
The policy of the College on public ridicule and vilification against persons with disability will be based on the provisions of Republic Act 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
The policy of the College on drug prevention and control will be based on the provisions of RA 9165 of Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 as the policy-making and strategy-formulating body in planning and formulation of policies and program on drug prevention and control.