Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BS Entrep)

Program Description

The four-year Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (Bs – Entrepreneurship) curriculum teaches students how to plan, launch, and manage a business endeavor, including all associated risks, in order to turn a profit. The BS Entrepreneurship program will assist prospective entrepreneurs in acquiring the knowledge, values, and attitudes that will improve their chances of success through its blend of in-class instruction and hands-on learning.

Program Goal

The program goals for BS Entrepreneurship graduate within 2 to 5 years as follows:

  • Set up a business
  • Manage and operate a business
  • Assume Managerial position in the field of:
    • Business Development
    • Corporate Planning;
    • and other related positions in the corporate or Public Organizations or Non-Government Organizations

Program Outcomes

A graduate of BS Entrepreneurship should be able to:

  1. Conduct a self-assessment to determine level of entrepreneurial competencies.
  2. Analyze/scan the environment to determine business opportunities and develop their profitability profiles from which entrepreneurial ventures can be selected from.
  3. Prepare a business plan.
  4. Mobilize the necessary human, financial, logistical, and technical resources to implement the business plan.
  5. Prepare and comply with requirements for business operation
  6. Operate and manage the enterprise observing good governance and social responsibility.
  7. Apply entrepreneurial management in any organization other than own enterprise.

Graduate Opportunities

Entrepreneurship graduates can pursue a career in any corporate or startup company. They might apply to work as a business development officer, proposal writer, business planner, research associate, business owner, or academician.