Student Publication

The student publication office serves as the voice of the students and the community in providing clear statement accuracy and fairness unmoved by pride of opinion or greed power for the welfare of the institution.

Specific Objectives

  1. Collect and disseminate campus and community news fair.
  2. Provide activities beneficial to the enhancement of publication staff’s knowledge and skills in technical and creative writing.
  3. To practice professionalism, modesty and cleanness in new opinion and editorial writing to best interest of the reader as a measure of public service.
  4. Develop moral character and discipline among the members of the organization.

Editorial Staff

  • The Editorial Board shall be composed of the Editor-in-chief, Associate Editor, Managing Editors, News Editor, Features Editor, Literary Editor, Photojournalist (s), Cartoonist, and Layout Artist (s), A publication Adviser who serves to provide technical guidance and is expected by the incumbent Editorial Board from a list of recommendees submitted by the administration.